My Gold Mornings #Colgate360GoldMornings

“The best way to start the day is with a cup full of positivity,” my mother always said. I agree. That and a cup of coffee.

When I was younger I hated getting up early, especially during the long winters. The prospect of living my warm bed was to get ready for school was positively appalling. I would beg my mom to let me shut my eyes to five more minutes of dreams and on days she relented often resulted in me barely making to my classes on time.

It was not until I started working that I truly understood the benefits of getting up early. Not only I get to start the day without the unnecessary rush that comes with getting up late, it is also amazing how much I can accomplish in the early hours of the day.

Being a fitness enthusiast, the majority of my morning is dedicated to my fitness regime - I do yoga. I also love to cook myself a nice healthy breakfast and more often than not I pack myself a nutritious lunch for work. Sometimes when work is crazy I get up even earlier to spend an hour answering urgent emails or working from home.

But my morning always starts with a rigorous round of oral care. I religiously brush my teeth and rinse my mouth with a good antibacterial mouth wash. I am also very particular about the products I use to maintain my dental health. Right now I am loving the Colgate 360 charcoal gold toothbrush. The soft bristles infused with charcoal and flexible head to reach the remotest corner of the mouth works like a charm.

An hour of yoga, a nice bath and a good breakfast (with a cup of coffee of course) later I am ready to face anything! That’s the power of a good morning … or I should say – gold mornings.

Image Source: IndiStuff


This is my entry for a campaign by Colgate India

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